
Health and Fire Safety This covers all aspects of Health and Safety including responsibilities of both The Cliffe Hall and its hirers and users. It includes safety rules, arrangements, procedures in case of accidents, fire, gas and emergency evacuation procedures and all compliance requirements.
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Safeguarding The Trustees of The Cliffe Feoffees have detailed the policy and procedures which must apply to all users of The Cliffe Hall, including Trustees and contractors.
download pdf 1.2pp

Data Protection The Cliffe Hall is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) as Reg No ZB549631. The Data Protection Policy lays out principles and provisions, and the Data Protection Register of Systems details the data we collect and in what way, how the data are stored and who has access to them, sharing data, purposes for which the data are used, data removal and archiving.
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Online Privacy Policy Please follow this link for details.

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Hire Documents

Hire Agreement A single sided document which must be completed and signed by the hirer before they can use the Hall. The agreement once signed applies to other future hires.
download pdf 1p

Terms and Conditions These are very important and have been updated and include car parking instructions (separate file).
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New Hirer Checklist A one-page checklist for arriving and leaving the Hall. The rear side of the paper shows a map of the layout of tables and chairs.
download pdf 2pp

Hall User Guide This gives very helpful information on the Hall.
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Health and Fire Safety It is essential hirers read and comply with the contents.
download pdf 6pp

Safeguarding Policy Simple and clear provisions regarding children or vulnerable adults.
download pdf 1.2pp

or download all the above pdfs in a zip file