The process

  1. Please contact us by phone, email (top right of the screen) or use the Booking Enquiry Form. Do give us as much information as possible about your activity and needs, tell us if it is an event or regular sessions, date(s), day(s), start and end times, numbers etc.
  2. Ask for a viewing if you do not know the Hall and want to satisfy yourself that it will meet your needs.
  3. If you wish to proceed, we will send you documents, including a Hire Agreement which we will ask you to complete and return promptly. At this point your booking will only be provisional.
  4. When we receive your Hire Agreement we will invoice you and ask you to pay the full amount or, if the booking is more than six weeks away, you have the option to pay half the amount immediately and pay the remainder no later than the tenth working day before your booking. Once we receive funds from you your booking is held, and fully confirmed when full payment has been made.
  5. Approximately one week before your booking we will contact you to arrange to meet at the Hall to hand over a key and take you through open and closing, fire, health and safety, and other procedures.
  6. For those who hire on a regular basis, after the first session we invoice at the beginning of the month and normally expect payment by mid month.

Prices and costs

Our normal hourly rate is £16 per hour. Higher rates apply to corporate commercial use. We charge a refundable key deposit of £30 and for parties and celebrations normally charge a £75 security deposit. These deposits are refunded by bank transfer.

Important details

  • Booking Times and Charging: It is important you factor in your setup and clearing and cleaning time. Both must be included in the charged booking. However, we always allow 15 minutes after the end of each hire before the next hirer starts. You would have 10 minutes of that 15 free of charge if you need it, but the last 5 minutes must be entirely free for the next hirer—the idea being that people will come a bit early and avoids congestion.
  • Opening Hours: Opening and closing times are 08:30 to 22:30, Monday to Sunday.
  • Capacity: The Hall's capacity depends on the activity. For example, we have seating for 80 people in the Hall which would be suitable for a concert but for a dinner celebration or meeting 50 people, and for dancing 30+ people would be more appropriate. We are happy to discuss these issues with you.
  • Current Availability on Weekdays: Tuesday Mornings between 12:30 and 13:30 are currently available for weekly classes. Friday has occasional gaps in afternoons and later evening. Monday and Tuesday are more or less solidly booked. At the moment Wednesdays are being kept for half or all day sessions. The only evening weekday slots available are from 2015 on Wednesday and slots from 19:00 on Fridays.
  • Current Availability at Weekends: Saturdays are available for mornings, afternoons or all day, and evenings. Most Sundays are booked through to 15:00 by the Church, except one Sunday per month when the Hall is normally available from 1200 onwards but we only know which Sunday at short notice. There are some slots available from 15:00 through to the end of Sunday evening.
  • Children's Parties: We welcome these. Should you wish to have a bouncy castle we will direct you to a local company whom we trust and will give you full details. Having had bad experiences, we don't accept other bouncy castle providers.
  • Adult Parties & Celebrations: As our Hall is mostly surrounded by sheltered housing for the elderly, our licence does not allow late night or very noisy activities. However, it is perfectly fine to have dancing and music etc and just a question of levels. We find people are able to enjoy their celebrations here with music without disturbing our neighbours.
  • Late Adolescent and Young Adult Parties: Sadly, we are very reluctant to have these due to bad experiences but are open to considering them if we are fully satisfied the risks involved are very low.