Who we are

Cliffe Hall is a Community Hall and is owned by the Cliffe Feoffees, a charity registered in England and Wales number 220487. The registered address of the charity is The Cliffe Feoffees, 28 Cliffe High Street, Lewes BN7 2AH. The Community Hall is at the same address and its website address is https://cliffehall.uk.


We do not provide any kind of mechanisms for visitors to leave any comments on our site.


We do not provide any mechanisms for users to upload images to our website, and when we upload images we do not use images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS).


We do not provide any mechanisms for visitors to log in, make comments or provide any personal data. We do use contact forms for visitors to make requests or comments by email which are sent directly to Cliffe Hall but absolutely no data in those emails are stored within the website.

Embedded content from other websites

We do not use embedded content from other sites.

Who we share your data with

We do not keep any user data in our website. Please refer to our Data Protection Policy.

How long we retain your data

The only data we retain from users will be data in the emails we receive from them. Please refer to our Data Protection Policy.

What rights you have over your data

Please refer to our Data Protection Policy concerning data that was sent by email to us.

Where your data is sent

There is no user data stored on our site - any user data is sent direct to us. Please refer to our Data Protection Policy.